Rate Quote


Chorum allows you to preview a variety of rate estimates for a guest booking using available room types and rate codes, and the expected stay dates.


Access the Rate Quote menu from the Reservations module. Also, you can setup Security Roles (Use Rate Quote for New Reservations) so the system will jump to the Rate Quote screen when a user clicks on New Reservation.

The menu provides a set of filters to determine the guest's quote based on their expected arrival and departure dates, and the number of occupants.


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Once the search criteria are selected, a list of room types available under each of the rate codes will show. If needed, this screen can be saved using the Export to Excel button located under the Search button at the top. Also, notice the color legend located at the bottom for the Rooms Available column.


At this point, you can select a specific row to highlight it. When highlighted, all other room types presented under the same rate code will update the Rate Difference column to show you the difference between room types giving you a more clear comparison of potential upsell or downgrade options to help improve your chances of winning the sale.

From here, using the Reserve or Walk In buttons will begin the booking process using the quoted options. See Booking Guests if needed to finish the booking.